A roof is a massive surface, which means it could possibly be damaged in several ways. Though other indications of roof damage are quite apparent things such as missing or damaged tiles, water drips soaking your home below, or even signs if wood rot and warping. Actually, other indications of roof damage are too tiny to be observed, which you might never suspect them except if you’re an experienced and certified roofing contractor. To further assist you to maintain your home better and the roof that secures it, we give you 3 unnoticeable indications of roof damage that you must watch out for. 

Buckling tiles 

Shingles and buckling tiles could be difficult to determine from ground level, particularly when your roof is made from somewhat uneven material to start with such as wood shakes or clay tiles. But, buckling in your roof’s surface is an indication of warped decking that is commonly a strong sign that there is a leak that allows water to seep into the deck material. 

Whistling sounds 

This type of sound isn’t particularly uncommon in properties, especially on windy seasons. People only consider these sounds as vibrating small portions of material outside or the air that passes through screens on their windows. That’s the case in some instances, however, whistling sounds could be an indicator of roof damage for others. 

Tiny cracks and some small roof damage sources could make mini inlets where air could seep into the attic. Once the air could get inside a thing, water could get inside as well. This only means that these small roof damage instances could lead to roof damage for the next snowmelt or heavy rain. Once your property is totally sealed and you can still pick up whistling noises, then it would be best if you have your attic inspected to determine where this noise comes from. 

Black spots? 

This type of spot on your roof is hard to locate from the outside. Homeowners easily tend to ignore these black spots when they exist in their attic. After all, old plywood commonly contains black spots surrounding it due to the used glue before. But once you detect any spots that have a greenish or white tint to them or appear fuzzy, there’s a chance that the issue is totally not what you expect—the black mold. This grows once the spores of the mold lie in a damp place, have a source of food, and covered from the sunlight. This indicates that your attic has a leak that causes water to infiltrate into your roof, which makes the decking wet due to insufficient ventilation in your attic. 

If you want some assistance in terms of maintaining your gutter and to change or repair them annually. Check out our website now to know the?roofing contractors Lexington and repair services and products that we offer in full detail. You can also delight in our daily blogs that are all about roofing. Contact us now for free estimates.?